Agro-Bachelor program


Diploma awarded by École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN, certifying a three-year study program (180 ECTS) enabling students to rapidly enter employment and offering the possibility of further study. It is equivalent to a Bachelor of Science degree.

Planning their three-year course enables students in the Agro-Bachelor program to learn progressively about the various aspects that make up the complex professional world.

Internships are intended to help students discover and develop their sense of observation, gradually enabling them to put their analytical skills to use and synthesize information in order to propose solutions in line with the professional situations they will encounter.

RNCP file number : RNCP35694

Join a scientific, multidisciplinary, professionally oriented training program for personal development at a leading agronomy school.

Bachelor of Science and Engineering, Sustainable agriculture & agri-food sector

Three years of higher education (equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree)

French State-recognized level 6 diploma from École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN

RNCP (French national directory of professional certifications) file number: RNCP35694


The Agro-Bachelor course lasts three years, i.e., six semesters


Admissions possible in first, second or third year.
By application and interview

See admission requirements


The third year is an apprenticeship, with 35 weeks at the company and 17 weeks at school.

Agro-Bachelor, a three-year course

The first two years of the program are the same for all Agro-Bachelor students. Students learn about life sciences to understand the agri-food sectors and develop a critical analytical mind.

This foundation learning includes internships in France, then in English-speaking countries.

At the end of these two years, students choose their specialization for the third year.

Three apprenticeship specialization courses are available:

FPSC course
Production and supply chain management in the agri-food industry (Toulouse Campus)

A&E course
A&E-MTA: Agriculture and Environment, Agroecological Transition Professions option (Toulouse Campus)
A&E-MCE: Agriculture and Environment, Livestock Consultancy Professions option (Bernussou campus)

RNCP (French national directory of professional certifications) file number: RNCP35694

A three-year vocational program

The Agro-Bachelor program, a three-year course at a leading agronomy school, with three specializations available as apprenticeships!

Year 1

Life sciences to understand the agricultural and agri-food sectors.

A three-month tutored internship must be completed during the first year.
Review and sharing of experience (report and defense) = 6 ECTS

Semester 1
– Mathematics (3 ECTS)
– Fluid mechanics (3 ECTS)
– Digital work environment (3 ECTS)
– Analytical chemistry and laboratory best practices (6 ECTS)
– Chemistry for life sciences (3 ECTS)
– Animal and plant physiology (6 ECTS)
– English language 1 (3 ECTS)
– Personal development: Expression and communication (3 ECTS)
Semester 2
– Probabilities (3 ECTS)
– Machinery and renewable energy (3 ECTS)
– Agriculture and environment (3 ECTS)
– Agricultural and agri-food sectors – sector sustainability (6 ECTS)
– Cell biology (3 ECTS)
– Company organization and management (3 ECTS)
– English language 2 (3 ECTS)
– Work experience in a company (6 ECTS)

Three-month internship in a company or on a farm from January to March

Halfway through the first year, students complete an internship either:
– in an agricultural company with a processing and/or marketing workshop 
– in an agricultural cooperative 
– in the agri-food industry 
– in an agricultural public or private research center

NB: PURPAN has an extensive network of farms and partner companies throughout France and abroad. The internship team uses this network to offer students their future destinations.

Year 2

Development of analytical skills and international experience.

A three-month internship in an English-speaking country must be completed during the second year, either in a laboratory or a company.
Specializations are chosen at the end of the year.
Review and sharing of experience (report and defense) = 6 ECTS

Semester 1
– Databases (3 ECTS)
– Statistics (3 ECTS)
– Food biochemistry (3 ECTS)
– Food and human nutrition (3 ECTS)
– Food and animal nutrition – life cycle (3 ECTS)
– Processes and traceability (3 ECTS)
– Microbiology (3 ECTS)
– Genetics (3 ECTS)
– English 1 (3 ECTS)
– Personal development: Expression and interculturality (3 ECTS)

Semester 2 
– Applied physics (3 ECTS)
– Digital tools (3 ECTS)
– The functioning of agro-systems (3 ECTS)
– Crop management (3 ECTS)
– Introduction to business, sales and marketing (3 ECTS)
– Company organization and management (3 ECTS)
– Territorial analysis of agricultural and food issues (3 ECTS) / English language 2 (3 ECTS)

Three-month internship in an English-speaking country from April to June

At the end of the second year, students complete an internship in an English-speaking country either:
– in a farming business with a processing and/or marketing workshop
– in an agricultural cooperative
– in the agri-food industry
– in a university or private research center linked to the agricultural world

NB: PURPAN has an extensive network of farms and partner companies throughout France and abroad. The internship team uses this network to offer students their future destinations.

Year 3

During the third year of the course, students study their specialization as apprentices. 


The third year of the Agro-Bachelor program is open to students with BTS (Advanced Technician Certificate), BUT (Bachelor of Technical Studies) or equivalent qualifications who wish to work in the fields of agriculture, agri-food and the environment.

Final admission is granted once the apprenticeship contract ensuring completion of the training program has been signed.

Educational framework:

• Class of 30 apprentices
• 595 hours of academic education
• 35 weeks at the company, 17 weeks at school
• Courses are taught on the École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN campus and the Bernussou campus (for one of the specializations)

Double tutoring

Throughout their training, apprentices benefit from double tutoring:

• at the company by the apprenticeship supervisor
• at École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN by a dedicated research professor

The two tutors work together to define the training activities, which are individually tailored to the company and the apprentice’s career plan. A tripartite learning agreement is signed. Each tutor guides the apprentice through their training at the company or at the school.

To ensure apprentices make steady, optimum progress throughout their training, contact periods effectively link in-company periods with periods at PURPAN.

During their contract, apprentices receive the same salary as for apprenticeship contracts.

The OPCO (Government approved vocational training organizations) and the companies cover training costs.


FPSC course
Production and supply chain management in the agri-food industry (Toulouse Campus)

The aim of this course is to prepare future employees for companies in the agri-food sector, teaching them to manage projects, particularly in the fields of production, QHSE, R&D or logistics/supply chain.


A&E course

A&E-MTA: Agriculture and Environment, Agroecological Transition Professions option (Toulouse Campus)
The aim is to prepare future employees for companies in the agriculture, agronomy and sustainable development sectors. Students determine financing needs, analyze the results of an experiment, and identify an anomaly in a farm’s reaction or development.

A&E-MCE: Agriculture and Environment, Livestock Consultancy Professions option ( Bernussou campus)
The aim is to prepare future employees for companies in the agriculture and agronomy sectors. These missions are carried out as part of a multidisciplinary team working with the company’s partners. After starting their new academic year at PURPAN, students attend classes at the Bernussou Campus in Villefranche-de-Rouergue.



How and where to apply

Students who want to enroll in the first year must apply via the Parcoursup online platform.

BAC GÉNÉRAL (general high school diploma)
• SPECIALTIES TO BE CHOSEN IN 11th GRADE (at least 2 scientific subjects)
• SPECIALTIES TO BE CHOSEN IN 12th GRADE (at least 1 scientific subject)
BAC STAV (technical and agronomy), BAC STL (laboratory science and technology), BAC STI2D (science and technology for sustainable development and industry)
BAC PRO CGEA (vocational high school diploma in farm management)

Students wishing to enroll in the second or third year should request an application form from the admissions department (from January onwards). Admission is possible if you have 60 ECTS or 120 ECTS respectively from a course with scientific, biological, agronomic and/or agricultural content (BTS (Advanced Technician Certificate), Licence (Bachelor’s Degree), BUT (Bachelor of Technical Studies), etc.).

What comes after an Agro-Bachelor degree?

This diploma makes it easier for students to enter the job market, but they can also continue their studies afterwards, studying for a Master’s degree in the same field of study.

The agri-food industry offers a very wide range of professions



Number of apprentices: 43
Examination pass rate: 87%
Percentage of students continuing their studies: 62%
Rate of entry into employment on completion of training: 36%
Drop-out rate: 4.88%
Rate of transfer to another company: 2.44%

Personal development and support

Personal development

Stemming from Ignatian roots, personal development is the foundation of our educational and personal development project. It takes the form of five key points:

• Welcoming students of all backgrounds.
• Giving priority to real-life situations: internships, international experience, company projects, team projects, dissertations, etc.
• Organizing reviews of experiences to identify areas for improvement.
• Stimulating the motivation and autonomy required in the world of work.
• Revealing students’ full potential by working on the soft skills that make all the difference.

Individual and group projects form part of the program, in partnership with teachers and professionals.
Group work is fundamental in developing a taste for communication, discovering complementarity, autonomy, responsibility, management and ethics.

Accompaniment & review

Each internship or course is prepared and tutored by a research professor. The individual or group review helps students take stock of their experiences. The research professors are there to listen, answer questions and provide guidance.


You’re interested in this course, but you’d like to get professional experience… The third year of the Agro-Bachelor program is an apprenticeship.

You benefit from an employment contract, a salary, training and a diploma, so why hesitate?

One campus, two locations

PURPAN students work on two campuses in the Toulouse region.
THE TOULOUSE SITE: The very heart of the school, where several thousand students have already been trained.
THE LAMOTHE SITE:  The school’s farm where students benefit from training in the field.

Take a virtual tour of the Toulouse campus

Student life

Student life at the very heart of the school’s educational and human project.
Personal development at the school is heavily focused on student life and getting each student involved in serving others through a strong commitment to associations.
The Student Union coordinates the various committees (sports, evening events, in-house events, conferences, etc.) and the many clubs and associations.

Any questions?

Do you have questions about training and specializations?

We can put you in touch with Anne Calmon, Agro-Bachelor training manager
Click on “Contact us” below!