Work-study training: choosing excellence
Double tutoring
Students/apprentices benefit from double tutoring throughout their work-study course:
• at the company, by the apprenticeship supervisor
• at École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN, by a dedicated research professor
The two tutors work together to define the training activities, which are individually tailored to the company and the apprentice’s career plan. Each tutor guides the apprentice through their training at the company or at the school.
To ensure apprentice engineers make steady, optimum progress throughout their training, contact periods effectively link in-company periods with periods at PURPAN.
Students on work-study programs receive the École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN Diploma if they have met all the requirements, i.e.:
– A minimum TOEIC score of 785 points
– Completion of an internship of 9 to 12 weeks abroad
– Completion of a final dissertation
At the end of the contract, companies may offer graduate engineers a job.
If this is not the case, collaboration between the two parties ceases at this point.