Engineering apprenticeship course


École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN offers students the opportunity to complete part of their training as a work-study course if they wish (subject to certain conditions).

In line with company needs, work-study training is one of PURPAN’s development priorities. It enables students to gradually discover the engineering profession within a company.

As its name suggests, work-study training consists of alternating periods of training at the company and at school. The knowledge acquired both at the company and at school generate the ECTS credits needed to obtain the diploma. Work-study training is based on the same requirements as the “standard” course.

The same diploma is obtained.

This scheme enables students to benefit from high-level training with the benefit of employee status, and to acquire significant professional skills while immersed in the company.

RNCP file number : RNPC35720

Become an engineer-manager in the agricultural and agri-food sectors and invent the world of tomorrow.

Work-study engineering course

Five years of higher education (equivalent to a master’s degree)

PURPAN’s level 7 engineering degree is recognized by the French government and accredited by the CTI, the accreditation authority for French engineering programs.


Opportunities for work-study courses:

-Three years from the third year (apprenticeship contract)
– Two years from the fourth year (apprenticeship contract)
– One year in the fifth year (professionalization contract)


Admission possible in third year
Have obtained 120 ECTS credits in a training course with scientific, biological, agronomic and/or agricultural content (BTS (Advanced Technician Certificate), Preparatory course, BUT (Bachelor of Technical Studies), PASS (specific health access course), Licence (Bachelor’s Degree), Licence professionnelle (Professional Bachelor’s Degree), Master’s Degree, etc.) and have a good level of English.

Admission by application and interview

NB: Direct entry into the third year as an apprentice specifically requires candidates:
– to be under 30 years of age at the start of the course
– to have a validated contract with a company


•  Excellent professional experience
•  Immersion in a company
•  Training costs covered by the company for the duration of the contract
•  Remuneration: the student apprentice receives a salary
•  Excellent professional integration

Work-study training: choosing excellence


Double tutoring

Students/apprentices benefit from double tutoring throughout their work-study course:

• at the company, by the apprenticeship supervisor
• at École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN, by a dedicated research professor

The two tutors work together to define the training activities, which are individually tailored to the company and the apprentice’s career plan. Each tutor guides the apprentice through their training at the company or at the school.

To ensure apprentice engineers make steady, optimum progress throughout their training, contact periods effectively link in-company periods with periods at PURPAN.

Students on work-study programs receive the École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN Diploma if they have met all the requirements, i.e.:

– A minimum TOEIC score of 785 points
– Completion of an internship of 9 to 12 weeks abroad
– Completion of a final dissertation

At the end of the contract, companies may offer graduate engineers a job.
If this is not the case, collaboration between the two parties ceases at this point.

 The three work-study options

Three-year apprenticeship contract

This apprenticeship program is designed to prepare students with BTS (Advanced Technician Certificate), DUT (University Technical Diploma) or equivalent qualifications for their future responsibilities as engineers in the agricultural, agri-food and environmental sectors.

The program takes place over the last three years of engineering training, with a 36-month apprenticeship contract.
This is a tripartite contract, signed by the apprentice, the apprenticeship supervisor and the tutor from the school.

Educational framework

– 36-month apprenticeship contract
– 104 weeks at the company, 52 weeks at school
– A maximum of 1,800 hours of training
– Class of 60 apprentices
– Classes are taught on the École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN campuses

During their contract, apprentices receive the same salary as for apprenticeship contracts.

The OPCO (Government approved vocational training organizations) and the companies cover training costs.

2-year apprenticeship contract

The contract starts from the fourth year of the engineering course and lasts 24 months.

The aim of this course is to equip future engineers with professional skills adapted to the business world, at the same time as obtaining the school’s engineering diploma. It takes the form of an agreement signed by the student, the company and the school. The contract includes periods of teaching and periods in the company.

Educational framework

– 24-month apprenticeship contract
– 60 weeks at the company, 31 weeks at school
– A maximum of 1,106 hours of training
– Classes are taught on the École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN campuses

During their contract, apprentices receive the same salary as for apprenticeship contracts.

The OPCO (Government approved vocational training organizations) and the companies cover training costs.

One-year professionalization contract

The course is part of the fifth year of engineering training, with a professionalization contract of 12 to 13 months.


– Professionalization contract
– 36 weeks at the company, 16 weeks at school
– Approximately 560 hours of training
– Classes are taught on the École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN campuses

During the 13-month period, students receive the standard remuneration for professionalization contracts, i.e., 70% to 80% of the minimum wage.

A tripartite training agreement is signed between the school, the student and the company. It describes the modules required to obtain the diploma, the missions to be completed and the skills to be acquired at the company.

The OPCO (Government approved vocational training organizations) and the companies cover training costs.

Admissions through applications and interviews

Enroll in the third year (Apprenticeship):

Licence Pro (Professional Bachelor’s Degree), validated BTS (Advanced Technician Certificate), validated DUT (University Technical Diploma), Licence Bio 2 (second or third year of Bachelor’s Degree in Biology), Master 1.
Admission in the third-year apprenticeship is possible for students who have obtained 120 ECTS in a training course with scientific, biological, agronomic and/or agricultural content (BTS (Advanced Technician Certificate), Preparatory course, BUT (Bachelor of Technical Studies), PASS (specific health access course), Licence (Bachelor’s Degree), Licence professionnelle (Professional Bachelor’s Degree), Master’s Degree, etc.).

Note that the “Prépa T²” in Toulouse (formerly known as “Prépa de Toulouse INP”) allows you to apply directly for the third year of the engineering course. Find out more here.  


Following the engineering course, almost 50% of our students already have jobs before graduation, and 95% six months afterwards. This diploma gives you access to more than 300 professions (plus those yet to be invented…)


Some examples of professions are available to you, such as:

• Scientific officer
• Research and Development Engineer
• Specialised consulting engineers


Personal development

Personal development is the school’s number one teaching activity in terms of the number of hours devoted to it over the five-year course. Stemming from Ignatian roots, it is the foundation of our educational and personal development project. It takes the form of five key points:

• Welcoming students of all backgrounds.
• Giving priority to real-life situations: internships, international experience, company projects, team projects, dissertations, etc.
• Organizing reviews of experiences to identify areas for improvement.
• Stimulating the motivation and autonomy required in the world of work.
• Revealing students’ full potential by working on the soft skills that make all the difference.

Individual and group projects form part of the program, in partnership with teachers and professionals.
Group work is fundamental in developing a taste for communication, discovering complementarity, autonomy, responsibility, management and ethics.

Accompaniment & review

Each internship or course is prepared and tutored by a research professor The individual or group review helps students take stock of their experiences. The research professors are there to listen, answer questions and provide guidance.

One campus, two locations

PURPAN students work on two campuses in the Toulouse region.
THE TOULOUSE SITE: The very heart of the school, where several thousand students have already been trained.
THE LAMOTHE SITE:  The school’s farm where students benefit from training in the field.

Take a virtual tour of the Toulouse campus

Student life

Student life at the very heart of the school’s educational and human project.
Personal development at the school is heavily focused on student life and getting each student involved in serving others through a strong commitment to associations.
The Student Union coordinates the various committees (sports, evening events, in-house events, conferences, etc.) and the many clubs and associations.

Any questions?

Do you have any questions about the course?

We can put you in touch with Céline Peltier, Director of Education and Head of Engineering Training 
Click on “Contact us” below! 

Do you have questions about apprenticeships?

We can put you in touch with Coraline Nanche, Director of Work-Study and Continuing Education / OFA – CFA Director
Click on “Contact us” below!