Agro-bachelor apprenticeship program


Diploma awarded by École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN, certifying a three-year study program (180 ECTS) enabling students to rapidly enter employment and offering the possibility of further study. It is equivalent to a Bachelor of Science degree.

The third year of the Agro-Bachelor program is an apprenticeship. Three specialization courses are available.

In line with company needs, work-study training is one of PURPAN’s development priorities. This program enables students to benefit from high-quality training with employee status, and to acquire significant professional skills while immersed in the company.

As its name suggests, work-study training consists of alternating periods of training at the company and at school.

RNCP file number : RNCP35694

Join a scientific, multidisciplinary, professionally oriented training program for personal development at a leading agronomy school.

Bachelor of Science and Engineering, Sustainable agriculture & agri-food sector

Three years of higher education (equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree)

French State-recognized level 6 diploma from École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN

RNCP (French national directory of professional certifications) file number: RNCP35694


The apprenticeship contract lasts 12 months
35 weeks at the company, 17 weeks at school


Admission possible in third year
Have obtained 120 ECTS credits in a training course with scientific, biological, agronomic and/or agricultural content (BTS (Advanced Technician Certificate), Preparatory course, BUT (Bachelor of Technical Studies), PASS (specific health access course), Licence (Bachelor’s Degree), Licence professionnelle (Professional Bachelor’s Degree), Master’s Degree, etc.).

Admission by application and interview

NB: Direct entry into third year with apprentice status specifically requires candidates:
– to be under 30 years of age at the start of the course;
– to have a validated contract with a company;
– to provide proof of a period of four weeks spent abroad (internship possible during the year);
– to have a good level of English

The benefits of apprenticeship

•  Free tuition
•  Students benefit from remuneration and employee status
•  In-depth knowledge of the professions and the company
•  An excellent scientific and technical background
•  Professional experience and integration made easier

At the same time, the student also benefits from the school’s teaching methods, support and Human Career Center


A year of specialization as an apprentice


The third year of the Agro-Bachelor program is open to students with BTS (Advanced Technician Certificate), BUT (Bachelor of Technical Studies) or equivalent qualifications who want to work in agriculture, agri-food and the environment.

Final admission is granted once the apprenticeship contract ensuring completion of the training program has been signed.

Educational framework:

• Class of 30 apprentices
• 595 hours of academic education
• 35 weeks at the company, 17 weeks at school
• Classes are taught on the École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN campus and the Bernussou campus (for one of the specializations)

Double tutoring

Throughout their training, apprentices benefit from double tutoring:

• at the company, by the apprenticeship supervisor
• at École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN, by a dedicated research professor

The two tutors work together to define the training activities, which are individually tailored to the company and the apprentice’s career plan. A tripartite learning agreement is signed. Each tutor guides the apprentice through their training at the company or at the school.

To ensure apprentices make steady, optimum progress throughout their training, contact periods effectively link in-company periods with time spent at PURPAN.

During their contract, apprentices receive the same salary as for apprenticeship contracts.

The OPCO (Government approved vocational training organizations) and the companies cover training costs.

Specialized apprenticeship courses

Three apprenticeship courses are available for students in the third year of the Agro-Bachelor program:

FPSC course: Production and supply chain management in the agri-food industry (Toulouse Campus)
– A&E-MTA course: Agriculture and Environment, Agroecological Transition Professions option (Toulouse Campus)
– A&E-MCE course: Agriculture and Environment, Livestock Consultancy Professions option (Bernussou campus)

FPSC course

Production and supply chain management in the agri-food industry (Toulouse Campus)

The aim of this course is to prepare future employees for companies in the agri-food sector, teaching them to manage projects, particularly in the fields of production, QHSE, R&D or logistics/supply chain.

– Health food 
– Transformation processes 
– Production management 
– Technology monitoring
– Logistics/Supply Chain 

• Production organization and management.
• HACCP updates, or implementation of ISO 9001 – ISO 14000, ISO 26000, IFS certification, or the master document to ensure personal safety.
• New product development.
• Project management in logistics.

This apprenticeship program prepares students for project management, particularly in the fields of production, QHSE (quality, health, safety and environment), R&D and logistics.

Students train to become Quality Assistants, Logistics Assistants, Assistant Production Managers, Flow/Inventory Managers, etc.

– Production management and supply chain (12 ECTS)
– Food, nutrition and agri-food processes (9 ECTS)
– Professional attitude and communication (English language and personal development) (3 ECTS)
– Contextualization of the company and its missions (6 ECTS)
– Research and development in the food industry (3 ECTS)
– Quality, health, safety and environment management (12 ECTS)
– Self-fulfillment in a context (English language and personal development) (3 ECTS)
– Accomplishing a mission and assuming professional responsibilities (12 ECTS)

A&E-MTA course

AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT “Agroecological Transition Professions” option

The aim is to prepare future employees for companies in the agriculture, agronomy and sustainable development sectors. Students determine financing needs, analyze the results of an experiment, and identify an anomaly in a farm’s reaction or development.

– Agronomy 
– Systemic approach to farming
– Ecosystem management
– Agroecology / Crop protection
– Connected agriculture
– Zootechnics: the livestock of tomorrow

• Design and propose an action plan for a project related to the environment and aspects with ecological dimensions.
• Design technical and economic solutions (farm takeover, conversion, etc.) tailored to the problems of a production site (environment, pollution, yields, etc.) and implement corrective actions to meet environmental standards
• Prepare an analysis report
• Propose and plan the stages of a conversion project.

Examples of possible professions:

– Agricultural coordinator
– Agricultural organization coordinator
– Market gardening, field crop and ecological engineering technician
– Agricultural, farming and livestock advisor, etc.

– Managing agronomic performance (12 ECTS)
– Rationalizing agrosystems (9 ECTS)
– Professional attitude and communication (English language and personal development) (3 ECTS)
– Contextualization of the company and its missions (6 ECTS)
– Plant and animal health (9 ECTS)
– Support for agricultural development projects (6 ECTS)
– Self-fulfillment in a context (English language and personal development) (3 ECTS)
– Accomplishing a mission and assuming professional responsibilities (12 ECTS)

A&E-MCE course

AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT “Livestock Consultancy Professions” option (Dairy Cattle – Beef Cattle – Pigs)

The aim is to prepare future employees for companies in the agriculture and agronomy sectors. These missions are carried out as part of a multidisciplinary team working with the company’s partners. After starting their new academic year at PURPAN, students attend classes at the Bernussou Campus in Villefranche-de-Rouergue.

– French and European dairy and meat livestock sectors
– Zootechnics: livestock farming of the future
– Support for agricultural development projects
– Technical diagnostics
– Comprehensive technical and economic consultancy

• Provide livestock farmers with advice on zootechnical, economic and regulatory aspects.
• Develop services for a portfolio of livestock farmers.
• Develop and run training programs or themed days for livestock farmers.

Examples of possible professions:

– Herd technician
– Dairy cattle, beef cattle, livestock advisor
– Quality chain coordinator and production unit manager
– Agro-supply sales representative (animal nutrition, livestock equipment, etc.)
– Inseminator and inspector in a breeding organization.

– Diagnosis and advice on feeding, reproduction and health (10 ECTS)
– Analysis of livestock data (2 ECTS)
– Knowledge of the French and European sectors (9 ECTS)
– Technical and economic advice (9 ECTS)
– Contextualization of the company (6 ECTS)
– Support for sustainable development projects (6 ECTS)
– English language (3 ECTS)
– Personal development (3 ECTS)
– Professional experience, dissertation and defense (12 ECTS)

How and where to apply

You can join the third year of the Agro-Bachelor program as an apprentice.

Students who want to enroll in the third year should request an application form from the admissions department (from January onwards). The requirements for admission are:

– have obtained 120 ECTS credits in a training course with scientific, biological, agronomic and/or agricultural content (BTS (Advanced Technician Certificate), BUT (Bachelor of Technical Studies), Licence (Bachelor’s Degree), etc.)
– be under 30 years of age at the start of the course
– have an approved contract with a company
– provide proof of a period of four weeks spent abroad (internship possible during the year)
– provide proof of a good level of English

What comes after an Agro-Bachelor degree?

This diploma makes it easier for students to enter the job market, but they can also continue their studies afterwards, studying for a master’s degree in the same field of study.

The course enables access to a very wide range of professions.

Marketing / Business

Key figures for apprentices trained (class of 2022-2023):
Number of apprentices: 43
Examination pass rate: 87%
Percentage of students continuing their studies: 62%
Rate of entry into employment on completion of training: 36%
Drop-out rate: 4.88%
Rate of transfer to another company: 2.44%

* Data from the 12/01/2023 training council meeting

Personal development and support

Personal development

Stemming from Ignatian roots, personal development is the foundation of our educational and personal development project. It takes the form of five key points:

• Welcoming students of all backgrounds.
• Giving priority to real-life situations: internships, international experience, company projects, team projects, dissertations, etc.
• Organizing reviews of experiences to identify areas for improvement.
• Stimulating the motivation and autonomy required in the world of work.
• Revealing students’ full potential by working on the soft skills that make all the difference.

Individual and group projects form part of the program, in partnership with teachers and professionals.
Group work is fundamental in developing a taste for communication, discovering complementarity, autonomy, responsibility, management and ethics.

Accompaniment & review

Each internship or course is prepared and tutored by a research professor. The individual or group review helps students take stock of their experiences. The research professors are there to listen, answer questions and provide guidance.

One campus, two locations

PURPAN students work on two campuses in the Toulouse region.
THE TOULOUSE SITE: The very heart of the school, where several thousand students have already been trained.
THE LAMOTHE SITE:  The school’s farm where students benefit from training in the field.

Take a virtual tour of the Toulouse campus

Student life

Student life at the very heart of the school’s educational and human project.
Personal development at the school is heavily focused on student life and getting each student involved in serving others through a strong commitment to associations.
The Student Union coordinates the various committees (sports, evening events, in-house events, conferences, etc.) and the many clubs and associations.

Any questions?

Do you have questions about training and specializations?

We can put you in touch with Anne Calmon, Agro-Bachelor training manager
Click on “Contact us” below!

Do you have questions about apprenticeships?

We can put you in touch with Coraline Nanche, Director of Work-Study and Continuing Education / OFA – CFA Director
Click on “Contact us” below!