PURPAN has two training facilities of its own: the Toulouse site, the school’s main training facility, and the Lamothe site in Seysses, the school’s farm.
Third-year students on the Agro-Bachelor “Agriculture and the Environment” course taking the “Livestock Consultancy Professions” specialization attend classes on the Bernussou campus in Villefranche-de-Rouergue, alternating with their apprenticeship contract with a company.
The Toulouse site
Located in Toulouse on a green, tree-filled 26-hectare site, it is the very heart of the school, where several thousand engineers have already been trained. Thanks to its research facilities, teaching spaces, student, community and sports facilities, premises dedicated to entrepreneurship and mentoring, and its privileged setting, this campus offers an ideal learning environment.
Being located close to teachers, research teams and students from other years or other training courses enables you to forge human relationships that are fundamental to your development.

The Lamothe site
École d’ingénieurs de PURPAN is one of only two schools in France to have its own farm.
Since 1973, the farm has been located on the Domaine de Lamothe in Seysses, 20 km from Toulouse, on an area covering 250 ha.
The school’s activities here include agricultural production (animal and plant), teaching, knowledge transfer and research.
This estate provides training “in the field” from which students benefit to understand, among other things, the issues of agro-ecological farming practices and animal welfare.