Équipe de recherche
Sciences Sociales, Environnementales et Biodiversité
Axes de Recherche / Développement / Conseil
Télédétection des milieux naturels et agricoles
Disciplines enseignées
- Télédétection
- Physique
- Mathématiques
- Parrens, M., Al Bitar, A., Frappart, F., Paiva, R., Wongchuig, S., Papa, F., Yamasaki, D., & Kerr, Y. (2019). High resolution mapping of inundation area in the Amazon basin from a combination of L-band passive microwave, optical and radar datasets. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 81, 58-71.
- Szigarski, C., Jagdhuber, T., Baur, M., Thiel, C., Parrens, M., Wigneron, J. P., Piles, M. & Entekhabi, D. (2018). Analysis of the Radar Vegetation Index and Potential Improvements. Remote Sensing, 10(11), 1776.
- Parrens, A. Al Bitar, F. Frappart, F. Papa, J.-P. Wigneron, Y.H. Kerr Mapping dynamic water fraction under the tropical rain forests of the Amazonian basin from L-band brightness temperature, Water, 9(5), 350, 2017
Al Bitar, A. Mialon, Y.H. Kerr, F. Cabot, P. Richaume, E. Jacquette, A. Quesney, A. Mahmoodi, S. Tarrot, M. Parrens,A. Al-Yaari, T. Pellarin, J.P. Wigneron, The global SMOS Level 3 daily soil moisture and brightness temperature, Earth System Science Data, 9(1), 293-315, 2017 - Fernandez-Moran, R., Wigneron, J.-P., De Lannoy, G., Lopez-Baeza, E., M. Parrens, Mialon, A., Mahmoodi, A, Bircher, S., Al Bitar, A. , Al-Yaari, A., Richaume, P, Kerr, Y., A new calibration of the effective scattering albedo and soil roughness parameters in the SMOS SM retrieval algorithm, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 62, 27-38, 2017
- J.-P. Wigneron, T. J. Jackson, P. O’Neill, G. De Lannoy, P. de Rosnay, J. P. Walker, P. Ferrazzoli, V Mironov, S. Bircher, J. P. Grant, M. Kurum, M. Schwank, J. Munoz-Sabater, A. Royer, A. Al-Yaari, A. Al Bitar, R. Fernandez-Moran, H. Lawrence, A. Mialon, M.Parrens, P. Richaume, S. Delwart, Y. Kerr, Modelling the passive microwave signature from land surfaces a review of recent results and application to the L-band SMOS & SMAP soil moisture retrieval algorithms, Remote Sensing of Environment, 192, 238-262, 2017
- Parrens, A. Al Bitar, R. Fernandez Moran, P. Ferrazzoli, J.-P Wigneron, Estimation of the L-band Effective Scattering Albedo of Tropical Forests using SMOS observations IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2017
- Parrens, Wigneron, J. P., Richaume, P., Al Bitar, A., Mialon, A., Fernandez- Moran, R, Kerr, Y. Considering combined or separated roughness and vegetation effects in soil moisture retrievals. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 55, 73-86, 2017
- Y.H. Kerr, A. Al-Yaari, N. Rodriguez-Fernandez, M. Parrens, B. Molero, D. Leroux, S. Bircher,A. Mahmoodi, A. Mialon, P. Richaume, S. Delwart, A. AlBitar, T. Pellarin, R. Bindlish, T. J. Jackson, C. Rudiger, P. Waldteufel, S. Mecklenburg, J.-P.Wigneron Overview of SMOS Performance in Terms of Global Soil Moisture Monitoring After Six Years in Operation, Remote Sensing of Environment, 180, 40-63, 2016
- Parrens, J.-P. Wigneron, P. Richaume, A. Mialon, A. Al Bitar, R.Fernandez-Moran, A. Al-Yaari, Y. H. Kerr. Global-scale surface roughness effects at L-band as estimated from SMOS observations, Remote Sensing of Environment, 181, 122-136, 2016
- Wang, J.-P. Wigneron, L.-M. Jiang, M. Parrens, X.-Y. Yu, A. Al-Yaari, Q.-Y. Ye, R. Fernandez-Moran, W. Ji, Y. Kerr, Global-Scale Evaluation of Roughness Effects on C-Band AMSR-E Observations. Remote Sensing, 7(5), 5734-5757
- Fernandez-Moran, J.-P. Wigneron, E. Lopez-Baeza, A. Al-Yaari, A. Coll-Pajaron, A. Mialon; M. Miernecki, M. Parrens, P. Salgado-Hernanz; M. Schwank, S. Wang, Y. Kerr, Roughness and vegetation parameterizations at L-band for soil moisture retrievals over a vineyard field. Remote Sensing of Environment, 170, 269-279.
- Licence de Physiques
- Master de Géophysique
- Doctorat en télédétection des surfaces continentales
Expériences professionnelles
- 2016-2017 : PostDoc CNES (Toulouse) sur l’hydrologie des zones tropicales
- 2014-2015 : PostDoc au CESBIO (Toulouse) sur l’estimation d’eau libre à l’aide d’un capeteur micro-onde (SMOS)
- 2013-2014 : PostDoc à l’INRA (Bordeaux) sur la simplification d’un modèle de transfert radiatif